Resolution Services

IRS & State Collection
IRS & State Collection Tax debt? Don't sweat.

The IRS is a brutal collection agency, and they have plenty of ways to get your attention:

  • Letters in your mailbox
  • Cuts to your paycheck
  • Personnel at your door

You may feel overwhelmed, but you don’t have to sink. We provide the expertise, strategy, and support to see you safely to the other side.

Filing Past Due Taxes
Filing Past Due Taxes 2018? 2019? Can't remember?

No matter when you last filed taxes, we have the staff and resources to file your past due tax returns.

Personal AND business? We’ve got you covered. Federal, State, City? We can handle it all.

We’ll obtain and analyze your IRS tax records to discover exactly where you stand. Then, we’ll take the right steps to get you back into compliance and a good night’s sleep.

Tax Payment Plans
Tax Payment Plans What’s that adage about eating an elephant one bite at a time?

When you can’t pay your whole balance in one chunk, the IRS offers several payment plans. We can negotiate options such as an Installment Agreement to divide your balance into affordable monthly payments. Some clients may be eligible for a Partial-Pay Installment Agreement – monthly payments on a reduced tax debt.

Now that’s what we call portion control.

Offer in Compromise
Offer in Compromise Compromise can be oh, so sweet

offer in compromise (n.), [aa·fr] [en] [kaam·pruh·mize] c. 20th century, “an agreement to resolve a tax debt for less than the amount you owe.”

Even if you’re not a word aficionado, you may be eligible for this agreement if you meet specific qualifications. Essentially, you offer to pay the portion of your tax debt that you can reasonably afford.

Not all taxpayers will be granted this compromise since the IRS makes the final decision. Still, we think this is [good] [newz].

Hardship Status
Hardship Status Life can get messy sometimes

You’re usually good about filing and paying taxes, but then "you know what" hits the fan.

If you can’t currently pay your tax liability without substantial hardship, you may qualify for Currently Not Collectible status with the IRS. This means all tax collection enforcement will be put “on hold.” Currently Not Collectable status is usually a temporary solution, and the IRS will revisit it every 18-24 months to determine if your situation has changed. 

Think of it as a pause button.…so you can focus on getting things back in order.

Penalty Abatement
Penalty Abatement Abatement is just a fancy word for discount.

And who doesn’t love a sale?

Certain tax penalties may be forgiven when you have reasonable cause for failing to file or pay. You may also qualify for removal of a first-time penalty following a clean, compliant tax history.

This might be a sweeter deal than that Black Friday Nintendo Switch you stood in line 5 hours for.

Innocent Spouse Relief
Innocent Spouse Relief All those moments you took one for the team? We applaud you.

The good news, though?

You don’t need to fork over fees for something that wasn’t your fault. Claim the relief you deserve!

If your spouse fumbles a joint tax return, and you were unaware, you can file for relief from the tax, penalties, and interest resulting from the inaccuracy.

That’s a touchdown in our book.

Audit Defense
Audit Defense "Houston, we have a problem."

When it’s Mission Critical, we’re one phone call away.

Facing an audit is something you never want to do alone. We'll walk with you through the whole process, from preparing documentation to representing you before the IRS.

Take a deep breath. Together, we’ve got this.

Tax Levies & Liens
Tax Levies & Liens Just those words induce nightmares

How about when the IRS actually shrinks your paycheck and your peace? 

We can appeal a lien on your record or request that a paycheck levy be halted. Don’t let the IRS control your cash flow. Don’t endure frustrating phone calls. Let us dial those dreaded numbers and protect what’s important.

Bank accounts? Check. Real estate? Check. 

Sanity? Check, check.

Payroll Tax Problems
Payroll Tax Problems Own a business? You have enough on your plate already.

Payroll tax problems are complex, and hefty consequences can wash all your hard work down the drain. The IRS takes payroll tax failure very seriously. Our plan of action, though, will always keep your business’ best interest in mind. 

Continuing Compliance
Continuing Compliance It’s like preventative maintenance….for your taxes

Once we resolve your problem, your tax activity needs to stay in top shipshape for the next five years – or the IRS will reinstate your original debt! Don’t sweat it; we can check on your tax records twice a year to ensure they’re whirring smoothly. No oil changes required.

More Info
More Info Service Customization

We understand the IRS. And when you reach out to us, we’ll strive to understand you, too. Whatever you need, our services are 150.84555763% customizable.

Yes, we’re good with numbers. Why do you ask?

Call today for a free, confidential, no-obligation consultation!
